Thursday, March 5, 2009

Madison Integrals Focus on Integral Ecology and Engagement this Spring

Hi Madison Integrals:

After a dormant few months, the Integrals group is gearing up for an exciting spring! We now have two meetings planned, the previously announced gathering on March 23rd, coupled with a second session on April 27th. Each meeting is scheduled to run 2:30 – 4:30 PM at Memorial Union (check TITU for exact room).

The focus on March 23rd will be “A Brighter Shade of Green,” facilitated by Doug Reinemann. Here’s a statement for Doug to help us frame the discussion:

“I'm interested in the practice of Integral Engagement. I would like to use the tools that I have learned at Integral Leadership in Action seminars and Andrew Cohen's EnlightenNext Retreat to attempt a process of integral engagement on environmental issues using the "Bright Green" article as a focal piece. My perspective is also informed by my professional interest in energy and environmental issues and my study of Christian, Native American and other esoteric traditions, thought and philosophy. If this process is successful, it will easily consume the entire two hours. (If not, we can go home early.)

I've been thinking of developing a graduate seminar series on this topic and this would give me an opportunity to try this.” - Doug Reinemann

Links to the “Bright Green” article have been previously sent out, but here it is for your convenience:

This discussion will flow well into the April 27th meeting, at which Marian Farriar will help us focus on Integral Ecology through a couple of case studies she will bring to us.

We originally had hoped to accomplish BOTH discussions this month, but it became clear that there is too much here for one meeting!