Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Welcome to the Madison Integrals Blog!

Welcome! We are a group primarily based in Madison, Wisconsin, that has been studying and working with concepts of integral thinking and spiral dynamics for the past few years. We include staff and faculty from UW-Madison, educators, consultants, realtors, physicians, and others from the community, as well as dozens of members who participate virtually across the physical boundaries of our planet. If you have an interest in integral thinking and a passion for learning about how we might utilize its insights in a variety of practices, then you are welcome to join us here and engage in the conversation!

Harry WB


Tom C. said...

I'm looking for stories where ideas from the Integral World have been applied. Ideas to action. Have any such stories?

Mary Kay Reinemann said...

Hi, Tom,
I'm actually responding to your suggestion for having an Integral Conference in Madison in 2010. Doug (my husband) says we should go for it. He is a member of the Integral Leadership community and has suggestions of people to invite. I am thinking a 'four quadrants' conference might be fun - we can invite experts in all the quadrants - perhaps asking them to speak to how their expertise can be applied to a particular issue (healthcare? Homelessness? education?) I would like to invite one of my teachers to do a session on Nonviolent Communication (lower right) as a way to communicate across memes, and why he considers NVC a spiritual practice. (I would be willing to help facilitate that session.) Richie Davidson, Waisman, might be persuaded to talk about his work (Upper Left/Upper Right) on the brain and meditation. You get the idea - I'm sure we have numerous people on campus we could invite. We could have Harry, Darin and maybe Steve Davis do a presentation on their work (lower right.) We could make a wishlist of folks we'd love to meet - and see what sort of gathering we could come up with. I'd love to have Adyashanti teach us meditation. He and his wife, Mukti, might be persuaded to talk about 'integral (or enlightened) relationships' (that's a hot topic at the integral programs.) (Doug will want Andrew Cohen, too.) I wonder what sort of 'wish-list' our group would come up with if we just made a list of people whose work has influenced us and who we'd love to meet. Maybe we could get Ken to come. Let us think about this. - MK

Harry W-B said...

Hi Mary Kay:
Let's start a 'thread' directly related to the proposed conference... see if we can get some additional ideas on it! I like the 'four quadrants' approach to its organization... directly apply JOFC teaching here, as well!
