Thursday, August 27, 2009

Madison Integrals Set Fall Schedule

Madison Integrals will now meet on the "2nd Tuesday" of the month, starting on September 8th, with our gatherings at the Union from 3:00 -- 4:30pm on each occasion. So mark your calendars!

Tom C. has offered to lead the first discussion, "Quadrant Analysis," as described on the Integrals Blog earlier this week. It is based upon an article by Thomas McFarlane on Integral World. I encourage you to review the article, join the discussion, and come to our meetings!


1 comment:

Harry W-B said...

Some additional info was provided by Tom C to set the stage for the Sept meeting:

A reminder: 3p today, mem union.

I will set the context, and we’ll discuss the personal and societal benefits to be gained from accepting either or both of Wilber vs Beck’s position on Grave’s development theory.

Here are some core points I will make:

This is all part of my current venture to publish “Operating Manual For Space Ship Me”. This is a story, allegory, that entails a collection of tricks, techniques, SI Sets, etc. that enable increased freedoms for whoever/whatever we are. Much of the book builds off the notion that how/who we are must be known in “chunks”, and each of the objectified aspects of self, or Self Chunks, is its own State of Consciousness (SOC). If we know ourselves as SOC’s, and we learn to indwell these SOC’s on purpose, then it would add a lot of freedom to who we can be, what we can do and feel, if we knew how to construct, and then indwell, specified SOC’s. Today we will look at what SOC is created by two diff SI sets. And we will endeavor to parse out where the increased degrees of freedom are in each of them. If you don’t’ have a hankering for freedom from anything about your experience, don’t come today. J

Core points for today:

If we are to know ourselves, each instance of knowing will be a “chunk”. We don’t objectify in video, we do it in stills/units/chunks.

Chunks are comprised of information, of two types: Structural Information (SI) and Process Information (PI).

PI sets are the stuff you take notice of as foreground in any chunk, e.g. the widget..

SI sets include the background, assumptions, sentence structure, beliefs, mood, mission, culture, etc. that make meaning possible.

The PI sets emerge with meaning due to the SI set that is integral to the Chunk.

In our personal work we can attend to the PI sets, and/or the SI sets.

There is an important distinction between “believing” an SI set and “suspending disbelief” re a SI set. This will be covered today as a technique for indwelling SI Sets.

For those of you with some history with me, its very easy to be blue….or orange…or green…..or…. The trick is in conjuring up SI sets and mastering indwelling.

Today we are reviewing what diff meanings and possibilities show up if Wilber determines our SI Set, or if Beck determines our SI set.

In Short, Wilber says Grave’s work applies to one line in the Lower Left Quadrant.

In Short, Beck says that Grave’s work applies to the context that all Quadrants show up in, basically the developmentally changing Bowl the AQAL model sits in.

I have been working on this problem of articulating States of Consciousness since about 1983. The outline above entails the distinctions I have collected over these years. We’ll see today if this has value beyond my own Bowl.

C U Soon – Tom C.