Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Integral Ecology Case Studies to be Focus of April 20th Discussion

The following is posted by Alberto...

Hello everybody,

Below are the links to the case studies that Marian proposed for our discussion next Monday, April 20 at 2:30 pm. Check TITU for the room.

Integral Ecology Applied to Small Scale Community Woodlands by Chris Preist

Evolving Approaches to Conservation: Integral Ecology and Canada's Great Bear Rainforest by Darcy Riddell

Integral Ecology: A Perspectival, Developmental, and Coordinating Approach to Environmental Problems by Michael Zimmerman

Also, please note that I am pasting here a message that Sean Esbjorn- Hargens sent regarding the launching of the integral ecology web site:

Dear Colleagues,

I'm pleased to inform you about the new Integral Ecology Center I and Michael Zimmerman recently launched:

Be sure to roll over the 4Quadrant frog on the landing page! And to watch the cool slide show on the Open page. We are still in the process of adding content, tracking down references for various documents etc, but you can get a good feel for the direction we are going and the kinds of activities and information that will be showcased here.

This center is part of the Integral Institute and will be the Institute's primary vehicle for supporting integral applications to planetary issues (sustainability, ecology, environmental). It will do this through supporting the development of the field of integral ecology. We define integral ecology as the mixed methods (i.e., qualitative and quantitative) study of the /subjective/ and /objective/ aspects of organisms in relationship to their /intersubjective/ and /interobjective/ environments at multiple levels of depth and complexity.

Thus, the Integral Ecology Center...

Is OPEN to all perspectives on the natural world and builds a VISION out of the integration of those multiple viewpoints.

Is supporting the ACTION being taken by integral practitioners around the globe through community networking.

Is providing these practitioners access to the SOURCE of integral ecological thought so they can EXPLORE in detail its many possibilities.

Is a place to CONNECT with us about your own ecological passions and commitments.

So come check out the site and contribute to its unfolding. We'd love to
hear your recommendations and have you help us fill in the details...




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